FeatherNScale ChocolateDipped 4*M EX 91 (“Crash Cart” or “CC”)

SIRE: SG Old Mountain Farm Bold Elk +*B +EE 86
SS: SG Old Mountain Farm Stag ++B VEE 88
SD: SG 3*M AR NC Promisedland Nemesis 3*D AR2383 VEEE 90
DAM: Old Mountain Farm Peridot 3*M
DS: Old Mountain Farm Allegiance ++B
DD: Old Mountain Farm Peris 2*M
DOB 02/14/2020
Chocolate Swiss/Buckskin combo with minimal white
When awarding her “Best of Breed” at the State of Maine Dairy Goat Show, Judge Ryan Blatchley praised her mammary system, commending her for her “impeccable” fore udder.
CC was only supposed to be staying with us temporarily, but this sweet and gorgeous girl really stole our hearts! We are SO grateful to Carrissa at Lone Feather Farm for letting her stay on in our herd. Half-sister to our does Jezebel and Zesty, CC’s pedigree is packed with outstanding, influential animals. Her sire is the phenomenal Old Mountain Farm Bold Elk +*B, who was awarded Superior Genetics status, was the 2018 ADGA National Show Premier Sire and sire to the 2017 ADGA National Show Grand Champion Senior Doe / 2017 ADGA National Show Best Udder Senior Doe (this doe was also part of the 2017 ADGA National Show Best Dairy Herd). He was also the 2017 ADGA National Show Get of Sire Buck, sire to the 2018 ADGA National Show Reserve Champion Senior Doe. Her dam, Old Mountain Farm Peridot, resides with Cheryle and Wyl at Old Mountain Farm. CC’s paternal grandsire, Stag, has proven himself with many productive and accomplished daughters, is an SG ++B buck, and is sire to the 2017 ADGA Spotlight Sale buckling that sold for $10,400 (a record for a Spotlight Sale buckling that held until Old Mountain Farm Gold Mine, brother of our buck AugustSQuinn, shattered it in 2022).
We nearly lost CC in spring 2023 to a terrible, sudden case of gangrene mastitis that went systemic and septic. No one thought she would survive, but she is a fighter! Unfortunately, she did lose half of her glorious udder so her show career was cut short.
FeatherNScale Cocoa Truffle
FeatheNScale Cupid’s BoldNGold
Linear Appraisal:
@4-3 VEEE 91 (with HALF an udder!) - Excellent in rear legs, Very Good in head, rump. FOA 38, RUH 43, RUA 37
Kidding History:
5/22/2024 - quads 3B/1D by Denbow Acres Tito *B
3/29/2023 - quad does by FeatherNScale Chiarscuro
2/20/2022 - twin bucks by Old Mountain Farm Smart Alec
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BEST OF BREED 2022 State of Maine Dairy Goat Show, Cumberland Fair, Judge Ryan Blatchley
GRAND CHAMPION 2022 State of Maine Dairy Goat Show, Cumberland Fair, Judge Ryan BlatchleyFirst Place 2-3 year old, 2022 State of Maine Dairy Goat Show, Cumberland Fair, Judge Ryan Blatchley
First Place 2-3 year old, 2022 Acton Fair; Judge Christine Grant
Second Place 2-3 Year Old, 10/9/22 Topsfield Fair; Judge Ed Cavanaugh
Second Place 2-3 Year Old, 8/13/2022 Summer Fun Show; Judge Bob Bartholemew
Second Place 2-3 Year Old, 8/13/2022 Summer Fun Show; Judge Juli Huffman
Second Place Best Udder, 2022 State of Maine Dairy Goat Show, Cumberland Fair, Judge Ryan Blatchley
4th Place 2-3 year olds, 7/17/2022 NENDA Sunny Sisters; Judge Scott Bice
5th Place 2-3 year olds, 7/17/2022 NENDA Sunny Sisters; Judge Justin Bassett
7th Place, 2-3 year olds (class of 30!), 2022 Wicked Early Spring Show, Judge Tom CoxGroup classes:
First Place Dairy Herd, 2022 State of Maine Dairy Goat Show, Cumberland Fair, Judge Ryan Blatchley
First Place Get of Sire, 2022 State of Maine Dairy Goat Show, Cumberland Fair, Judge Ryan Blatchley
First Place Get of Sire (with Lemon Zest and Carasynthia Dune), 2022 Acton Fair; Judge Christine Grant
Second Place Get of Sire, 10/9/2022 Topsfield Fair; Judge Ed Cavanaugh
Third Place “Best 3” 10/9/2022 Topsfield Fair; Judge Ed CavanaughADGA NATIONAL SHOW 8th PLACE GET OF SIRE (Old Mountain Farm Bold Elk with Cara and Zesty) June 2022, Harrisburg, PA; Judges Anna Thompson-Hajdik & Joan Dean Rowe, DVM