Old Mountain Farm MadM Mo Zell 4*M (“Mo”) VEVE 91

SIRE: Old Mountain Farm Allegiance ++B
SS: SG Old Mountain Farm Cernunnos ++*B
SD: Old Mountain Farm Wirosa
DAM: Old Mountain Farm Gazelle 3*M AR FS EEEE 92
DS: Old Mountain Farm Oliver Again *B
DD: 2*M AR Deldale Fawn
DOB 3/25/2017 (Triplet)
We’re so grateful to Cheryle and Wyl at Old Mountain Farm for entrusting their special girl to us. She is the daughter of Old Mountain Farm Gazelle 3*M AR , a beautiful example of a dairy doe whose Final Score is EEEE 92. Mo is “very dairy”, with a gorgeous, feminine head, expressive eyes, slender neck, long elegant body, sleek flat coat (even in winter!), strong brisket, flat open ribs and straight strong legs. We love just watching her walk across the field. Mo has an amazing emotional connection to us; her breeder, Cheryle Moore-Smith, says that her dam and grand-dam are the same way, very intelligent, playful, and connected to their humans. Mo’s udder is a dream to milk, wonderfully soft and supple with large teats and orifices.
Mo freshened with sextuplets in 2021 and is a great mother and rock star milk producer. She easily fed her five surviving kids with plenty extra for us! She easily earned her AR *M (in both milk weight and butterfat) in 2021, so her bucklings by eligible sires can inherit *B .
AGS Registration D-89571
*DNA* on file
Old Mountain Farm Zell Lee
Old Mountain Farm @ The Ready
2021 (4 year old 4F) VEVV 88
2023 (6 year old 6F) VEVE 91
Height 22”
Kidding History:
March 6, 2024 - twins, 1 buck DOA, 1 doe by Agape’s Prize Scarlet River *B
March 12, 2023 - triplets; 1 doe, 2 bucks by Winning Streak CM CountN Ordrs *B
February 9, 2022 - triplets; 2 does, 1 buck by Old Mountain Farm AugustSQuinn
March 16, 2021 - sextuplets; 2 does, 4 bucks by FeatherNScale Rebel Elk
May 2020 - (at Old Mountain Farm) triplets; 1 doe, 2 bucks by Old Mountain Farm Bold Elk
May 2019 - (at Old Mountain Farm) quadruplet does by Old Mountain Farm Hercules
April 2018 - (at Old Mountain Farm) singleton doe by Alcmene Easy Rider
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🏆 RESERVE CHAMPION ~ 2023 Topsfield Fair, Judge Juli Huffman
FIRST PLACE Aged Doe, 2023 Topsfield Fair, Judge Juli Huffman
5th Place Aged Doe, 2023 State of Maine Dairy Goat Show, Cumberland Fair; Judge Anne McKeever Cleggett